Treatment and Research for Psoriasis | Center for Medical Dermatology + Immunology Research
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Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory disease characterized by patches of abnormal red, pink or purple skin and dry, itchy skin.

What is it?

Psoriasis is a persistent skin condition characterized by an accelerated multiplication of skin cells, resulting in skin inflammation. Importantly, psoriasis is not contagious and does not spread from person to person. Typically individuals with psoriasis display red, inflamed skin patches covered with thick, whitish-silver scales, commonly occurring on the scalp, elbows or knees. These patches often induce itching, burning sensations and soreness, with the surrounding skin frequently feeling dry and prone to cracking and bleeding. Stiffness and swelling in joints are also sometimes present among psoriasis patients.

Symptoms of psoriasis fluctuate, following cycles lasting days, weeks or even months, with periods of remission where symptoms are absent. The underlying cause of psoriasis remains misunderstood but is believed to stem from a combination of genetic predispositions and environmental influences.

How is it treated?

There are many different types of psoriasis, and treatment plans are tailored to individual factors such as type, severity and response to previous therapies. Diagnostic procedures, like skin biopsies, may be conducted to identify the specific type of psoriasis, involving microscopic examination of skin samples by a dermatopathologist. Treatment strategies aim to regulate the excessive growth of skin cells and eliminate existing scales, often incorporating therapies such as creams, ointments, corticosteroids, retinoids, light therapy and oral or injectable medications.

Unfortunately, despite successful treatment outcomes, psoriasis commonly recurs, necessitating lifelong management. Our team collaborates with patients to devise personalized treatment regimens, exploring combinations of therapies to achieve optimal results, even in cases where prior therapies have been ineffective. Our practice integrates state-of-the-art research with advanced care, offering unparalleled expertise to individuals grappling with complex, chronic skin conditions like psoriasis. We are committed to facilitating long-awaited relief for patients.

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